Awaking from Hibernation.

After a long break in blogging, and indeed a long break of activity on the plot, we’re slowly getting back in the swing of things. This time of year, about half of our activity actually happens inside. Our potatoes are chitting on the windowsills (we’re using tasty Accent and Desiree again, with an addition of Cara and some exotic looking blue salad potatoes). We have sown a few modules of salads, tomatoes and chillies.

Outside, we’ve been out at the plot most weekends for a few hours, just to straighten up things. The greenhouse looked very forlorn, with dried up weeds, broken bamboo stakes and dried out soil.


Last week we’ve finally cleared that mess out, and put some salad seedlings in.


We also decided to clear out our raspberry bed. This was very hard work, because the bed contained about 20% raspberries, 60% couchgrass and 20% dandelions.


Separating out their matted roots took a lot of determination, and I had to come back this weekend to finish the job. However, after cutting the canes right back, replanting them in the weeded bed and spreading a layer of manure, the raspberry bed looks so much happier!


We’re very excited to get growing again, and enjoy seeing the signs of spring all around the plot. There is the rhubarb pushing up its thick pink stems, the daffodils popping up all around the plot and yes, it feels like spring is here!


About batmanhasanallotment

Enthusiastic with spade, trowel and pen.
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2 Responses to Awaking from Hibernation.

  1. rike says:

    Wir wünschen euch eine fruchtbare schöne neue Gartensaison und freuen uns auf viele blogeinträge. Rike und Hans

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